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A Beginner’s Guide to Hunting in a Sustainable Way

Hunting for food has been around for centuries and plays a vital role in wildlife conservation. As a result, it's essential that all hunting is done responsibly and sustainably. If you're a beginner at hunting, here's a guide to help you get started.

Understand the Laws and Regulations

The first step to becoming a sustainable hunter is to understand the laws and regulations in your area. This includes having the appropriate licenses, knowing when and where you can hunt, what game species are in season, and any bag limits or harvesting methods restrictions. Knowing the law is important to stay safe and ensure that you are conducting your hunt sustainably.

Gather Supplies

Once you've become familiar with the laws and regulations, it's time to gather supplies. Before going on a hunt, you should get the necessary equipment and safety gear, including a gun or bow, camouflage clothing, and safety accessories like an orange vest or hat. You may also consider buying or renting a trail camera and binoculars. This can help you find game before you even set foot in the woods.

Choose the Right Weapon

Once you've gathered your supplies, it's time to choose the right weapon. For most beginner hunters, a rifle or shotgun is the best choice. A rifle is the best choice if you plan on hunting big game animals such as deer or elk. For small game such as rabbits or squirrels, a shotgun is the best option.

Be Prepared

Once you've familiarized yourself with the regulations, gathered your supplies, and chosen the right weapon, it's time to do some hunt planning. This involves doing as much hunting research as possible and knowing the area like the back of your hand.

Researching is vital to learn about the habits and habitats of the species you're hunting and to better understand your hunt's impact on wildlife and the environment. You should also be familiar with the terrain and study topographic maps to plan where you will be hunting.

Utilize Ethical Hunting Practices

Ethical hunting practices are essential to sustainable hunting. This includes respecting the land and wildlife, never taking more than you need, cleaning up after yourself, not introducing foreign diseases, and not hunting during a species' breeding season. Hunters should also be aware of the impact of their hunt on other hunters and the animals they're hunting.

Hunt with Respectful Dogs

If you plan on hunting with dogs, ensure you only use dogs trained to hunt ethically and respectfully. This means the dogs should be under control and know not to harass or harm the animals.


Hunting sustainably is important not just for the well-being of wildlife but for the environment as well. By being aware of the laws and regulations, gathering the right supplies, using ethical hunting practices, respecting the land and wildlife, and hunting with a partner, you can help ensure your hunt is conducted responsibly and sustainably.

Rely on East 2 West Hunts for your hunt planning and tag application needs. When you work with me, you can expect me to work with you directly and give you the best service possible to achieve your hunting goals. Contact me to learn more!

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